Player Deck Window
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This window displays the cards in your deck. During a game it will grey out the cards you have already drawn.
A deck in Hearthstone is made of 30 cards. If Arena Tracker doesn't know some of the cards of your deck you will see unknown cards as part of your deck. If you start playing with your deck, load it from your collection or import it from an external web you will see the unknown cards disappear and be replaced by specific cards.
At the bottom these are the options:
The options for new deck are:
New empty deck: Create a deck from scratch.
New from clipboard: Create a deck from the code copied in Hearthstone.
Copy: Copy the current deck so it can be pasted into Hearthstone.
Clone current deck: Make a copy of your current deck so you can make variants of the same deck.
Clone enemy deck: After a battle you can copy the deck from Enemy deck tab into your current deck.
InfoIf you have an unsaved deck while using any of these options you will be asked to save it before continuing.
This option display a list of decks saved grouped by hero. To load a deck you can:
Select a deck with left click and click the Load deck button.
Double click a deck.
You can collapse/expand each hero clicking the expanders beside each hero icon or by double clicking the hero. If you have more than 50 decks in your collection, all heros will start collapsed to make it easy to navigate through your decks.
Your deck collection is stored in a file "ArenaTrackerDecks.json" located in USER/Arena Tracker/
Save the current deck in the player window with the name specified in the text box.
The button can be:
Enabled: Your deck has unsaved changes or you never saved it.
Disabled: Your deck is saved and up to date.
If you press Enter after typing your deck's name it will save the deck. Same as if you click the Save Deck button.
Remove the current deck from your collection. If the deck is not saved this button will be disabled.
Go to hearthstone and copy the deck code
Other way to import a deck is tracking it while playing:
In Hearthstone start playing with that deck and Arena Tracker will add the new cards as you draw them.
After each game you can modify the quantity of each card. Just select the card and use the buttons at the bottom or just double click on the card.
To tweak your current deck, select a card in the deck and you'll see the edition buttons appear at the bottom of the Player deck Window.
The cards shown in the Player Deck Window can present some colors to give you some extra information:
Greyed out: Cards already drawn.
Background Color: Show if a card is neutral or a hero class card.
Text Color: Show the type of the card.
White: Minion
Yellow: Spell
Orange: Weapon
Purple: Cards that don't belong to your deck but are temporarily there, I call them outsiders. In the example the map created by Elise is an outsider in your deck.
Mana Limits: You can check there are green marks at the left to divide cards in blocks by mana.
Their main purpose is to help you see your mana curve while drafting. With them your deck is divided in 7 groups: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6+ mana.
Go to New deck and select the option New from clipboard.
Go to New deck (New empty deck).
When you complete the deck (or at any point) save it .
Add a copy of the card selected (this action can also be done by double clicking on the card)
Remove a copy of the card select (this action only remove a copy, not the card)
Remove the card of the deck (enabled when there's only one copy left)